PGSS 2013


Julie Baldassano (Upper Dublin HS)

Thank you for an incredible experience.  Every single one of us has learned so much, made new best friends, and gained an overall appreciation for science and those who do it along the way.  I’ll never forget the past 5 weeks!  I will sing the praises of PGSS to all of the emerging bright scientists I know so they will have a chance to become more enthusiastic about STEM through PGSS, too.

Elena Esch (Bradford Area HS)

This is one of the best programs I have ever experienced, and I am so glad that I came.  I’m leaving this program with twice the knowledge I had, friends from all over the state, and an assurance that I can handle any work load now.  I have newfound interests and an idea of what it is like to be equal with my peers.  I have gained so much, it is hard to express.  Thank you for allowing me to be here.

Rohun Patel (Council Rock HS)

PGSS was awesome!  The unique opportunities in lab and team project were very rewarding and interesting.  The classes gave me a chance to learn areas of STEM subjects not taught in school, giving me an even better understanding/appreciation for those subjects.  I’m very glad I got to learn the things I did and meet the people that I have.  Thank you.

Mackenzie McDonald (McDowell HS)

I have completely enjoyed my time at PGSS.  From the labs to the social activities, I have learned so much about science and about myself.  I came into the program knowing that I loved science.  I am leaving the program with a more clear idea of my future career.  I cannot thank the faculty, TAs or resident life staff enough for their dedication to this program.  I am very grateful to have had this opportunity.

James Ferguson (Ringgold School District, Teacher)

This past Friday evening, August 2, 2013, I had the pleasure of attending the awards ceremony and dinner for students who attended The Pennsylvania Governor’s School of Science…. What I witnessed was one of the most rewarding evenings of my professional career. The zeal these young people exhibited for the class work, homework, projects, etc was refreshing. The pride and the sense of accomplishment that these young men and ladies exuded was apparent…. They all professed that they wished they could skip their senior year of high school and matriculate right to college.


What are the top five schools PGSS 2013 alumni are attending (totaling over 1/3 of the group)?

University of Pennsylvania – 6

University of Pittsburgh – 6

Carnegie Mellon – 4

MIT – 4Harvard – 3