PGSS 1984 Virtual Reunion

Thanks to Jen Lloyd (PGSS 1984) for hosting a Virtual Reunion. PGSS Class of 1984 met for an impromptu reunion on Saturday Nov 21st. Class agents Jen Lloyd and Heidi Wald were joined by Tim Chinowsky,  Matt Goda, Trevor Feldman and Elizabeth Hofmeister, along with Andrew McGuier from the Class of 2004. (Andrew Denker, our 3rd class agent, was not able to make it and Lisa Valentovich also sent apologies). Andrew gave us an update on the 2020 program, fundraising and other ways that we can all participate in PGSS going forward.  We had fun talking about our careers (we have 2 MDs, and several PhDs just in this crew alone!) and where we live (none of the above are still living in PA!).   We did some photo sharing (yes by holding old 3×5 photos up to the web cams!) and we now have a plan to scan and share from a Google folder. Trevor Feldman seems to have a wealth of mementos including our very own “face book”. We also plan to share a document for all classmates to provide an update.  And finally, we did some reminiscing about PGSS – classes we had (largely similar to the current program), projects, where we ate, what we ate, where we worked and played, and so on.  We all remembered the fun and games in the common area (of what we believe was Hamerschlag Hall ….). Overall we had fun reconnecting and hope more will join us next year!