Heartfelt thanks to Dr. Timothy Friel (PGSS 1985)

Many, many thanks to Dr. Timothy Friel (PGSS 1985), our first speaker in the PGSS 2020 Speaker Series for PGSS 2018-2020 govies. Dr. Friel is an Infectious Disease Specialist, is the Chair of the Department of Medicine at Lehigh Valley Health Network, is on the Infection Prevention and Control Committee, and is a Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of South Florida Morsani School of Medicine. His topic was “Reflections from the Frontline: Perspectives about COVID-19, Science and Leadership from an Infectious Disease Physician”. Tim talked about his experience prior to COVID and during COVID and then answered the many questions that our govies had for him. Even after these especially exhausting months, he was incredibly generous with with his time and expertise. This is a doctor, and a person, who cares.